Wednesday, November 21, 2007


First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans (for tomorrow). We, here in Kenya, had our thanksgiving dinner tonight. Thursday's are such a big day for us with the street kids that some of us weren't willing to sacrifice our time with the kids for a dinner. So that's why it's today.

Anyway, I've attached tons of pictures for you all. It's been long over due. My apologies. Enjoy!

Food Distribution

This is our garage with all the food piled and ready to go.

Maili Saba - the first distribution place.

Maili Saba - the children patiently waiting.

Maili Saba - excited about her new blanket.

This is my sweet, sweet Patience. Beautiful, isn't she?

Patience & Me. I wanted to take her home with me.

The second distribution place: Shimo

Shimo - ladies carrying their food home.
Shimo - holding on to each other.
Shimo - aren't they gorgeous?!?!?

The Food Distribution Gang....and the food for Shimo.

Interns & Friends

Amanda & I at the National Show at Kitale Showground.

University of Texas Longhorns t-shirts; thanks to Kate's friend.

Crazy girls...Jessica, Eva, Kate & Amanda

Kate, Amanda & I

This is Todd, the birthday boy - nothing more said about him.
Note: no drinking or drugs were involved.
Pictures of kids coming soon....they're my favorite part. :-)

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