Friday, January 4, 2008

Kenya Update...Back to Normal???

It was a normal day today in most parts of the country and especially here in our town of Kitale. Pretty much all the stores, including banks and the post office were open.

There is still a bit of tension in the air, a bit of fear. Perhaps it’s because there are quite a few armed police and soldiers walking the streets of Kitale with their big rifles (don’t know much about guns so I have NO IDEA what they’d be using; AK-47’s, M16’s – all the same to me!), with their two big military trucks parked at the side of the road.

I have never experienced something like this before, walking alongside armed soldiers, walking by a massive military truck. It’s all new to me; it’s fascinating, yet intimidating at the same time. It’s like stepping in to a war movie.

There were many people in town today that were stocking up on food, this being a slight sign that there is still a sense of fear or instability in people. Usually in crisis situations such as this, the food is first to go and so people were ensuring that they had enough to last them for a month or so. Preparing for the worst, I guess.

Daniel and I went shopping and stocked up on some non-perishable things. We need to take precautions. Although we feel that things are getting better, we still need to be prepared. As things aren’t completely back to normal yet, there is still that chance that it’s not over yet.

But we’re praying, we’re praying that we’ve seen the worst of it. We’re praying that people can bring peace back and help those that lost property or friends or family in this ordeal. We’re praying that the people will start to see each other as fellow Kenyans and NOT as tribes. We’re praying for unity among the people; we’re praying for the love of brothers and sisters to surface in this place.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers; they mean so much to us. We couldn’t have gotten through this without the encouraging words received by all of you.

We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear you could get out to do some shopping. The news from other places is not good. It is so hard for me to understand why this violence against the poor? Even if there is frustration or problem with the Govt. why attack people?
I was born in Nairobi lived in Kitale.I still don't understand the hatred and reason for violence. I pray for the safety of those who are there to help, like all of you, I pray for safety of poor Kenyans and I have started praying that God open their hearts to knowledge, to kindness and to understand the pain they are causing to their own, when you live in a country you are all citizens of that place, no tribes or nationality should matter more than that place. I have been in Canada since 1982, this is home and I pray for all the people here at home, I pray for prosperity in Canada and blessings in every way for our home and then for the world .We the human race can make a heaven here on this earth with all the blessings we have only if we all were kind,loving and helpful to each other.
May God keep you all safe and bring peace to Kenya and to the world. Amen